Showing posts with label Quest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quest. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cryptid Sightings in the KC area

Quest Paranormal Investigation Group has received a number of cryptid reports from the greater Kansas City area and beyond in recent years. We are at a loss as to why there are so many strange unidentified creatures in this area, or as to why there is so much paranormal activity in general. 

In reviewing our files, we have three reports of a short 2' tall kangaroo type creature which was seen in Sugar Creek, Independence, and Blue Springs from 2015-2017 by different individuals. All three were driving at night and saw this unknown animal near or in a roadway. In one case, people had to drive around the creature who was standing in the middle of the road near a Missouri River park. All witnesses reported that the creature was a tan color, had short hair, ears that stood straight up, and it sat back on its haunches. The top part of the body was smaller than the bottom half, and its front legs were short. Unless a small kangaroo escaped from a nearby zoo, or unless this is a baby chupacabra, we have no other explanation. 

Four witnesses describe seeing a very large wolf-size or larger creature with short grey mottled hair and short front legs, large body muscular back end, and a long snout. These sightings were near Lake Jacomo and Blue Springs Lake, off of 40-Hwy in Blue Springs, and near Nevada, Missouri from 2009 to 2019. In all cases, the creature made no sound and moved very fast across or beside the roadway. All sightings were at night after dark. Suggestions have been made that this is a Chupacabra, however, most Chupacabra reports are of a hairless creature that is much smaller. A call to the Missouri Department of Conservation yielded no explanation for the description of this animal. 

One cryptid sighting stands out among the others - and this happened on 23rd Street in Independence in 2015. A woman and her husband left the Hy-Vee grocery store at approximately 8:30 pm and traveled west. Suddenly, a very large wolf-like white animal appeared to their right and ran along the street on the far right side of the road. The creature's back was a tall as the top of the car door. The legs were shorter in front than in back. The husband slowed the vehicle down and came to a complete stop, and as he did so the animal turned in front of the car and then faded out and disappeared right in front of them, leaving the couple to believe that it was some type of inter-dimensional creature. 

There have been a number of Sasquatch sightings in Sugar Creek, Monkey Mountain, Independence, Lee's Summit, Burr Oak Woods, and Grandview in the past six years, but Sasquatch sightings in these areas date back at least to the 1970's. 

In the Sugar Creek case, which is ongoing, witnesses report hearing Sasquatch calls/screams from wooded areas around their houses. The primary witness lived on a farm as a child and does not recognize the calls as any known animal. At a location nearby at the Sugar Creek Conservation area, three men were fishing in a stream in 2014 when a large black Sasquatch walked out of the woods, stared into the stream while looking back and forth, then turned and walked back into the woods. The three men didn't say a word, but dropped their gear and ran to their vehicle. They haven't been back since. 

In Lee's Summit, a witness' dog acted very afraid of something, then she heard a loud grunt/growl that she did not recognize as coming from any known animal. The sound came from the woods behind her house. She no longer walks her dog at night by herself. 

Gigantic bird or Mothman sightings top the list, however, with 22 reports received by Quest in the past few years. Most reports were few and far between, but so far in 2019 we took at least 17 reports from witnesses who saw bird-like creatures with wing-spans of 10' to 36'. One man was able to capture a photo of one of these Mothman type beings in flight in 2014. It had the body of a man and gigantic black wings. We've seen the photo, but don't have permission to release it to the public yet. To me, it looks authentic. (See my other articles on this subject for more details). 

Most of these giant bird reports come from the east Jackson county area near bodies of water, but one was in Overland Park, Kansas on a busy street. Some of the witnesses who filed reports are known to me, so I know they are credible, however, as an investigator, I need proof, and to date, we have little evidence that these cryptid creatures exist. 

If you've seen any type of cryptid please contact us at

Margie Kay is a paranormal researcher living in Independence, Missouri. She is the author of Gateway to the Dead, The Kansas City UFO Flap, Haunted Independence, and other books.