Showing posts with label Cube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cube. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Spectacular Video of a Cube-Shaped Object Over Springfield, Missouri is Determined to be a UFO

Electrician Justin Johnson of Springfield was headed home from work on October 18, 2021 when he spotted an unusual object in the sky which he first thought was a helicopter flying southwest, then change direction to the northwest. He realized that it was not a helicopter and stopped to take video of the object, which appears to be a spinning cube-shaped UFO.


Justin Johnson reported his October 18 sighting of this strange object and submitted the 70-second video which was taken at approximately 5:05 pm to Missouri MUFON. State Section Director James Bair is the lead investigator on the case, with assistance from Margie Kay, Assistant State Director. Wayne Lawrence, Chief Investigator, did the video analysis of the object.

After checking with Flight Radar 24 for any plans or helicopters in the air at the time the video was taken James determined that there were none. He also checked for local balloon launches and bird migrations, but there were none reported. James stated that he does not believe this object appeared to be any type of drone, balloon or kite.

Wayne Lawrence did a careful analysis of the object and has determined that the object rotates in several different directions along its X and Y axis making 3 revolutions per second, or about 180 rpm, and at times two or three exact duplicate objects appear in the video. The sky is clear, and the sun reflects off of the object. Using Trigonometry and the known angle and likely location over the regional airport, Wayne was able to determine the size of the object to be approximately 87 feet in width (roughly the length of a regional airliner) and the altitude at 15,000 feet near the airport.

Margie Kay discussed both of these cases with a veteran drone design and operation engineer who used to work for the military, and he stated that he knows of no drone technology capable of spinning, and that to create such a thing would be an engineering nightmare. He can think of no plausible reason to create a drone that can spin on its axis.

An interview was conducted by Margie Kay with UNX News about this case and it can be viewed at

A similar sighting on Tuesday, October 19 was reported by Fox 8 News in Cleveland, Ohio. Matthew Jandecka of Cleveland Heights was sitting on his porch when he spotted a spilling cube-shaped object in the sky and began recording it.

Matthew stated that “A cube that was rotating and the cube transformed from a rotating cube to a rotating sphere. It made no noise whatsoever. It appeared as though it was internal propulsion versus external propulsion. It’s not something that I would say is terrestrial.” The article can be found here:

In 2017 a witness in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma filmed a rotating cube in the sky. He is currently filing a report with MUFON so the video can be analyzed.

MUFON investigators continue to investigate this case and ask that anyone with video footage of this object to either file a report at or contact ASD Margie Kay at 816-365-9492 or Witnesses may remain anonymous. MUFON is interested in similar cases from other states as well.