Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MothMan Sighting in Independence, MIssouri 12/12/19

Tony Degn was headed home after work at KCI Airport on December 12, 2019, at 3:00 a.m. when he noticed a gigantic bird in the distance. The creature headed in his direction and as it got closer Tony could see that it had a humanoid body with long legs and large bat-like wings that measured approximately 10 to
15 feet in width. He did not get a good look at the face or notice eyes. "I was focused on driving and on the wings and legs, which were quite amazing," said Tony.

Degn was driving south on Hwy 291 just past 24 Hwy as the creature swooped down to just 20' above his vehicle, then flew off. "I noted that the wings did not operate as normal bird wings and that they reminded me of bat wings or Pterodactyl wings," said Tony. He thought the entire experience was very strange, especially since he saw a similar creature in Lee's Summit in July of 2014. His first thought when he noticed the creature on Thursday morning was "Oh no, its back."

He was unable to capture a photo of this creature, but Tony did capture the 2014 creature on film:

Photo taken by Tony Degn in 2014
A helicopter and a large bird-like creature are in the photo

This makes sighting number 24 of a gigantic bird or Mothman-like creature in the greater Kansas City area in the past few years. Several witnesses have described gigantic birds with wingspans ranging from 10 to 36 feet. Some speculate that it is a Thunderbird or Pterodactyl. The largest known bird in the United States is the California Condar, which has a wingspan up to 9.8 feet. 

According to Wikipedia "The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a New World vulture, the largest North American land bird. This condor became extinct in the wild in 1987 (all remaining wild individuals were captured), but the species has since been reintroduced to northern Arizona and southern Utah (including the Grand Canyon area and Zion National Park), the coastal mountains of central and southern California, and northern Baja California. Although other fossil members are known, it is the only surviving member of the genus Gymnogyps. The species is listed by the IUCN as critically endangered.

The plumage is black with patches of white on the underside of the wings; the head is largely bald, with skin color ranging from gray on young birds to yellow and bright orange on breeding adults. Its 3.0 m (9.8 ft) wingspan is the widest of any North American bird." 
The Condor is not in the Midwest region, so it must be ruled out as a possibility.

See previous articles for more information about other sightings. Another recent report was received by a man in Lee's Summit, Missouri. His wife saw a gigantic black bird swoop down over her windshield in a grocery store parking lot in early December, 2019. She said the wingspan was approximately 15 feet.

Quest Investigation Group is investigating these cryptid sighting reports.  Open the sighting report page to report a sighting. Margie Kay, the lead investigator, can be reached at or 816-833-1602.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cryptid Sightings in the KC area

Quest Paranormal Investigation Group has received a number of cryptid reports from the greater Kansas City area and beyond in recent years. We are at a loss as to why there are so many strange unidentified creatures in this area, or as to why there is so much paranormal activity in general. 

In reviewing our files, we have three reports of a short 2' tall kangaroo type creature which was seen in Sugar Creek, Independence, and Blue Springs from 2015-2017 by different individuals. All three were driving at night and saw this unknown animal near or in a roadway. In one case, people had to drive around the creature who was standing in the middle of the road near a Missouri River park. All witnesses reported that the creature was a tan color, had short hair, ears that stood straight up, and it sat back on its haunches. The top part of the body was smaller than the bottom half, and its front legs were short. Unless a small kangaroo escaped from a nearby zoo, or unless this is a baby chupacabra, we have no other explanation. 

Four witnesses describe seeing a very large wolf-size or larger creature with short grey mottled hair and short front legs, large body muscular back end, and a long snout. These sightings were near Lake Jacomo and Blue Springs Lake, off of 40-Hwy in Blue Springs, and near Nevada, Missouri from 2009 to 2019. In all cases, the creature made no sound and moved very fast across or beside the roadway. All sightings were at night after dark. Suggestions have been made that this is a Chupacabra, however, most Chupacabra reports are of a hairless creature that is much smaller. A call to the Missouri Department of Conservation yielded no explanation for the description of this animal. 

One cryptid sighting stands out among the others - and this happened on 23rd Street in Independence in 2015. A woman and her husband left the Hy-Vee grocery store at approximately 8:30 pm and traveled west. Suddenly, a very large wolf-like white animal appeared to their right and ran along the street on the far right side of the road. The creature's back was a tall as the top of the car door. The legs were shorter in front than in back. The husband slowed the vehicle down and came to a complete stop, and as he did so the animal turned in front of the car and then faded out and disappeared right in front of them, leaving the couple to believe that it was some type of inter-dimensional creature. 

There have been a number of Sasquatch sightings in Sugar Creek, Monkey Mountain, Independence, Lee's Summit, Burr Oak Woods, and Grandview in the past six years, but Sasquatch sightings in these areas date back at least to the 1970's. 

In the Sugar Creek case, which is ongoing, witnesses report hearing Sasquatch calls/screams from wooded areas around their houses. The primary witness lived on a farm as a child and does not recognize the calls as any known animal. At a location nearby at the Sugar Creek Conservation area, three men were fishing in a stream in 2014 when a large black Sasquatch walked out of the woods, stared into the stream while looking back and forth, then turned and walked back into the woods. The three men didn't say a word, but dropped their gear and ran to their vehicle. They haven't been back since. 

In Lee's Summit, a witness' dog acted very afraid of something, then she heard a loud grunt/growl that she did not recognize as coming from any known animal. The sound came from the woods behind her house. She no longer walks her dog at night by herself. 

Gigantic bird or Mothman sightings top the list, however, with 22 reports received by Quest in the past few years. Most reports were few and far between, but so far in 2019 we took at least 17 reports from witnesses who saw bird-like creatures with wing-spans of 10' to 36'. One man was able to capture a photo of one of these Mothman type beings in flight in 2014. It had the body of a man and gigantic black wings. We've seen the photo, but don't have permission to release it to the public yet. To me, it looks authentic. (See my other articles on this subject for more details). 

Most of these giant bird reports come from the east Jackson county area near bodies of water, but one was in Overland Park, Kansas on a busy street. Some of the witnesses who filed reports are known to me, so I know they are credible, however, as an investigator, I need proof, and to date, we have little evidence that these cryptid creatures exist. 

If you've seen any type of cryptid please contact us at

Margie Kay is a paranormal researcher living in Independence, Missouri. She is the author of Gateway to the Dead, The Kansas City UFO Flap, Haunted Independence, and other books. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Fast Movers

I am working on a book called The Fast Movers, which is about the very-fast moving objects in our skies which are normally not visible to the naked eye. Some of us can see them, others are getting film of these objects using a technique where a UV filter or sunglasses are placed over the camera lens, then photos or preferably video is taken. The photographer positions himself next to the eve of a house while the sun is directly overhead and with the sun just out of sight, films the sky. 

When analyzing the film frame by frame, objects often appear, and in some cases can be seen two or three times in consecutive frames, making it possible to determine the speed of the objects, which are often moving at thousands of miles per hour. Obviously, a higher speed camera will capture more objects. 

During the June 20, 2019 UFO scare over Kansas City where thousands of people called the local media, three witnesses took film footage. Larry Tyree, a field investigator for Missouri MUFON, analyzed this footage, finding many dark fast-moving objects (20) around the three larger white objects that were visible to the naked eye. The darker objects were moving at the speed of 8,000 MPH.
I am one of the people that see the Fast Movers with the naked eye, likely because I've been practicing meditation for many years, and am a remote-viewer. In fact, on nearly any day I'm able to see these objects in the skies, but particularly just after a storm. The negative ions in the air may make it easier to see these objects. I know of a few other people who have seen them as well. The objects are usually only visible for a second or less, but if they are visible for one second or longer I am able to get a very good look at them. They appear in all shapes and sizes, and either as a dark object or a very bright white object. 

If you have either taken film footage of these fast-movers or have seen them with the naked eye and would like to submit something for the book, please contact me privately at 

The photo attached is a close-up enhancement of a photo of a Fast-Mover submitted on another group page. Larry Tyree did the enhancement.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

UFOs over KC June 20 were not weather balloons

By ASD MO Margie Kay

Multiple UFO reports were filed with the Mutual UFO Network and the National UFO Reporting Center during the week of June 20, 2019, regarding large white orb-shaped objects in the skies over Kansas City, Missouri. A total of three of these objects were visible over a six-hour period and witnessed by thousands of people. The event was covered in local and national media.

The National Weather Service was contacted after multiple witnesses called local TV stations in an effort to find out what the objects were, and the NWS Tweeted “We honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City,” which prompted a plethora of theories about aliens in the skies over KC.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) release a statement on June 20 which indicated they released three high-tech balloons on June 18, 2019 “Last night, DARPA launched three balloons from Cumberland, Maryland, in a flight test for the Adaptable Lighter Than Air program. Over the next few days, ALTA will demonstrate capability for wind-borne navigation of a lighter-than-air vehicle over extended ranges. The goal of the Adaptable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) program is to develop and demonstrate a high altitude lighter-than-air vehicle capable of wind-borne navigation over extended ranges,"

"The balloons can fly at altitudes of more than 75,000 feet. While they do not have independent propulsion, the ALTA vehicle is designed to navigate by changing altitude and thus taking advantage of different wind profiles aloft. A state-of-the-art Winds Aloft Sensor (WAS) is also being developed on the program, which is intended to provide real-time stratospheric wind measurements.” the agency said on its website.

Right now, balloons can only stay in one area for a few days before shifting winds take them elsewhere. But as the MIT Technology Review reported, ALTA’s wind sensor—originally designed for NASA satellites—is built to spot wind speed and direction from long distances and recalibrate as necessary to stay in one area as long as needed. The location is in the stratosphere. Unless the DARPA made an exception and lowered the altitude of their balloons to 2,900 feet, this would eliminate the balloon theory.

Witnesses said that the objects did not behave like balloons. The three objects remained in the sky over Kansas City for six hours, which is unusual behavior for balloons since balloons travel on prevailing winds from west to east. People reported seeing similar objects in New Jersey, St. Louis, and Kansas City in an east-west pattern, which is the opposite to the direction weather balloons travel.
Unexplained dark objects in video frames

Missouri MUFON Field Investigator Larry Tyree analyzed three videos submitted by witnesses in two different locations at the same time. Amazingly, Larry found 20 other dark unidentified objects in the sky around the three large white objects. The video was analyzed frame by frame in order to see these other objects which were moving very fast and seemingly checking out the large white orbs. Some of us have been investigating what we call the “Fast Movers,” which are UFOs that move so fast they are usually not trackable by the naked eye. These can only be viewed by looking at many video frames.

Several other UFO sightings were reported on June 20 and several days before and after this event. These include brilliant red orbs at treetop and ground level in the Waldo area of Kansas City; 18 transparent kidney-shaped rods at tree level we witnessed by MUFON Field Investigator James Bair; two metallic oblong objects were witnessed over Excelsior Springs (Northeast of Kansas City); and one sighting of a bright blue object which caused the witness (myself) to have light sensitivity since the event on the evening of June 20. In my case, I noticed a bright blue object on top of a streetlight at 10:00 pm and watched it for approximately 30 seconds, after which it shot off to the SE at extremely high speed. Immediately after this sighting, my eyes became extremely sensitive to light and this has not eased up.

Three sightings of giant birds were also reported by witnesses on June 20. There have been 18 sightings of giant birds with wingspans measuring 12’ – 36’ feet in the KC area in the past few years which witnesses describe as an unknown black bird, a legendary Thunderbird from Native American legends, or a Mothman. It is unknown whether the birds are related to the UFOs, but it is odd that the Mothman sightings in Point Pleasant West Virginia in the 1960s were accompanied by unexplained UFOs and orbs seen by may people. Although seemingly unrelated, the bird sightings should not be taken lightly. Either there is an unknown cryptid on the loose or 18 people have hallucinated something. Another explanation may be that some of these are drones. I had a hawk swoop over my car just this morning and I heard a humming sound at the same time. This may be indicative of drones disguised as birds, which further complicates the issue.

The Kansas City Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network hosted a special Town Hall Meeting on July 15, 2019, at the Ararat Shrine Temple in Kansas City, Missouri in order to present information about the recent UFO sightings during the week of June 20, 2019, and to take more reports. The group usually expects about 20 – 25 people to attend, but 150 people crammed into the room for this special meeting after it was covered in the Kansas City Star, USA Today, KCTV5, FOX4, Yahoo, and other news media. Field investigators James Bair and Jean Walker spoke to witnesses and took their first-hand accounts. It was clear that people want answers to the UFO question in general, and especially what was in the skies over KC on June 20.

Larry T’s analysis of case #101330 shows that there are additional objects in the sky near the large white object. After finding dark-colored objects traveling on a straight-line trajectory, Larry was able to merge frames together in order to show the path of the objects. This is related directly to MUFON case 101408 (in Liberty) because they were both witnessing the same event and taking videos at nearly the same moment. The Liberty sighting was 21.5 miles NNW at 336 degrees. NUFORC had 5 sighting reports of the same two white objects on 06/20/2019. All these sightings occurred between 1900 and 2000 hours.

The white objects/craft were calculated to be 37.4 feet in length at 2,954 feet in altitude. The DARPA balloons are designed to remain in the stratosphere, so it does not make sense that the objects over Kansas City were the DARPA Balloons.

As with the other two cases, small black craft were seen in frame by frame analysis to do flybys of the two white objects. Larry calculated one of the black crafts to be moving at a speed of 8,200 MPH, leaving one to conclude that the dark objects were U.S. military aircraft or craft of unknown origin.

Our conclusion is that the white objects viewed by many people over Kansas City on June 20 and the dark fast-moving objects that were only visible by looking at video frame by frame remain unidentified, even though the media is perfectly happy with the intimation by DARPA that they were special weather balloons. With the many UFO sightings and strange giant bird reports, investigators in the KC area are perplexed as to what is going on in our area, but we are determined to find answers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Town Hall Meeting in Kansas City: UFO and Giant Bird Sightings

Multiple UFO reports were filed with the Mutual UFO Network during the week of June 20, 2019. We will discuss these reports and show video and still photographs of the objects. The public may file sighting reports at the meeting.

The Kansas City Chapter of the
Mutual UFO Network is hosting
a special Town Hall Meeting on
July 15, 2018 at the Ararat
Shrine Temple at 5100
Ararat Drive, Kansas City,
Missouri in order to present
 information about the
recent UFO sightings during
the week of June 10, 2019.
Several sightings of giant
birds were also reported. Field
investigators will be on hand to take sighting reports from the public.

The number of reports is unusually high. Some objects may have
 been High-Tech balloons from DARPA, but an investigator captured images of other objects flying near the balloons which are currently
unidentified. Other reports included small bright red orbs and
transparent rod-shaped objects at tree level. Investigators are
currently working on these reports.

The town hall meeting will begin at 6:00 PM and the regular
MUFON meeting will start at approximately 7:00 PM. Both
meetings are open to the public.

$5.00 admission covers both events.

For those who wish to order dinner the restaurant will begin serving
 at 5:00 pm in the meeting hall. The easiest way to access the
meeting hall is to park in back of the building and go in the back
door then turn left and go through the restaurant.

Margie Kay
Assistant State Director, Missouri MUFON

Monday, June 24, 2019

What is the Giant Bird Flying Over Kansas City Skies?

Quest Paranormal Investigation Group just received another report of a giant bird sighting in the skies over greater Kansas City. But unlike the previous eight sightings located in Independence and Sugar Creek, Missouri, near the Missouri River, this event occurred in Overland Park, Kansas approximately 20 miles to the southwest.

On Sunday, June 16, 2019, a man and woman were driving to their home in Overland Park when they noticed a very large bird flying overhead. "The bird was completely black and was enormous," said one witness. Neither witness could identify the bird. At first, they thought it must be a Condor, but it was much larger. It flew north and out of sight.

This makes gigantic bird sighting number thirteen received by Quest Paranormal Investigation Group, located in Independence, Missouri. Other witnesses describe huge birds with wingspans up to 25' or more. One witness in Sugar Creek saw a bird on June 20, 2019, that was as large as a small plane. (See previous articles on this blog).

Some witnesses speculate that this creature may be the Mothman, a creature seen at Point Pleasant, West Virginia for several months prior to a disastrous bridge disaster in 1967. In his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, author John Keel claimed that the Point Pleasant residents experienced precognitions including premonitions of the collapse of the Silver Bridge, unidentified flying object sightings, visits from inhuman or threatening men in black, and other phenomena.
Mothman Statue in Point Pleasant, West Virginia
 Jason W. -, CC BY 2.0,

There have been similar events in greater Kansas City. On June 20, 2019, two unidentified objects hovered high over the city for six hours. The objects were captured on video and the story was covered on national news. Some people thought they were weather balloons, but the National Weather Service said they were not weather balloons. DARPA claims that they were high-tech balloons they released on June 17. However, the analysis of the video shows multiple objects, not just three. 

On the same day, QPI received reports of unidentified objects that looked like rods, another report of red orbs in the Waldo area of Kansas City, Missouri, and an unexplained brilliant blue light in Independence. The entire K.C. area has been a UFO hot spot since 2011. Could these things be related as they seemed to be in Point Pleasant prior to the bridge collapse?

QPI investigates unexplained sightings of UFOs, cryptid animals, and haunted locations. Contact Margie Kay, Director of QPI at 816-833-1602 for more information or to report your own sighting.