Showing posts with label sounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sounds. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

Possible Bigfoot Sounds Near Missouri River

A man heard something large walking through the woods at his home near Richmond,Missouri not far from the Missouri River in May of 2016. 

The following is an email from a friend of mine:

I was going to share tonight an Experience a close friend of mine had 2 nights ago near the woods just north of the Missouri River, between Orrick and Richmond.  He was working late at night in a shed, left the shed and heard something large take 3 to 4 loud steps.  Says he didn't see it, but was very loud and in 3 to 4 steps covered approx 25 yards and into the woods.  Heard another 3 steps into the woods and then nothing. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Strange Sounds in Independence may be Sasquatch

Strange howls and calls have been heard by several witnesses in Independence, Missouri, which to date are unexplained. A woman who has had a number of UFO sightings at her home near the Missouri River clost to 291 Highway and 24 Highway in northeast Independence has heard some strange howls that she and her husband cannot identify. An investigator went to the site and heard the sounds as well. The residents are both veteran farmers and are familiar with the usual coyote howls and other animal noises, but say that this is nothing like that.

Sasquatch drawing by Alexa Evans
"The sounds are more like very loud screams coming from one area, then another one answers from a long way away. It's very spooky to say the least," said the witness.

The investigator said she cannot explain the sounds, either. "I've heard coyotes, wolves, elk, and moose, and this is nothing like any of them. I'm completely stumped."

Both the witness and the investigator listened to Sasquatch recordings on the internet and say that is the closest sound to what they are hearing.

A Sasquatch was sighted not far from this location at a stream in Sugar Creek, located west of 291 Highway in 2012 (see my other blog post about that incident for more information). Perhaps this is the same creature, or one of several. In interviewing several witnesses who have Sasquatch on their property I've found that it appears that they travel in groups or clans.

If you live in the area, keep and ear and eye out for these elusive creatures.

Margie Kay is the publisher of Un-X News Magazine and the host of Un-X News Radio Show