Wednesday, January 8, 2020

50 Mothman/Giant Bird Reports in Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois

Gigantic bird or Mothman sightings are on the increase in Missouri, Kansas and other states. To date, Un-X News has received 49 reports. Some reports were few and far between, but in 2019 we took at least 19 reports from witnesses who saw bird-like creatures with wing-spans of 10' to 36' and 2020 has been a busy year so far. 

Descriptions of these creatures include: 
  • Mothman
  • Humanoid
  • Ptetrosaour
  • Pterodactyl
  • Bat-Man
  • Thunderbird
  • Winged-Creature

It is possible that people are seeing the same type of creature, but call it by different names. Some people have asked if the creature being seen is the Mothman and if it is a portent of a coming disaster. Of course, we don't know the answer to that question, but people still remember the Point Pleasant bridge disaster in West Virginia in the 1960's and the Mothman sightings for several months prior to that event. Since there have been so many sightings in Missouri and Illinois and other states, with no disasters, I'd say it is safe to assume that it doesn't have anything to do with a portent of doom.  

Photos by Tony Degn

One man was able to capture a couple of photos of one of these Mothman type beings in flight in 2014. It had the body of a man and gigantic black bat-like
wings. Tony Degn is an ex-police officer. He walked outside his home in Lee's Summit, Missouri one day when he noticed a helicopter flying and took some photos of a helicopter. When he looked at the photos later, he noticed a large humanoid type creature with legs and large wings flying next to the helicopter. This is the only photograph by a witness that I've been able to obtain to date.

Shortly after this encounter, Tony was out walking in the same neighborhood off of Woods Chapel Road
and 291 Highway one day when he noticed a single low-level cloud measuring 30' feet in width at approximately 300 feet in altitude in the sky. He stopped to look at this unusual cloud when a humanoid with large wings emerged from the base of the cloud, flapping its wings. The creature, who was all black in color with bat-like wings with a 15-foot or larger wingspan, stared at Tony, then re-entered the cloud and did not re-emerge.

 In December of 2019, the same witness saw a humanoid creature with bat-like wings fly down near his vehicle as he drove on 291 Highway and 24 Highway in Independence. The creature stared menacingly at Tony, then flew off. It seemed to have trouble keeping its heavy body airborne and struggled under the weight (see my prior article about this encounter).  

A Compilation of Reports Taken by Un-X News and Other Investigators: 
  • 1919: Camden, MO. A local radio producer reports that his 8th-grade teacher told him that when she was a child in the 1930's she and her family saw a gigantic bird with a human face circle them very close, scream at them, then fly off towards the hills. 
  • 1955-56: Kansas City, Missouri near 47th & Denver close to the limestone quarry and KC Zoo/Swope Park. Giant birds: Multiple sightings of a very large winged creature: James Bair and his family and neighbors saw very large winged creatures over a two-year span. James was 8 and 9 years old at the time. In one instance his father called him outside and said excitedly, "Take a looks at that great big eagle on top of the garage!" Then, he thought better of it and said it was a huge owl. But neither of them knew what it actually was. James said that he saw several of these creatures standing next to the banks of Brush Creek, too. "They stood about 5' 8" tall, and they never made a sound," James said. The neighbors and other family members saw these unknown creatures on multiple occasions, sometimes flying in the air, sitting in trees, or standing on the ground on two legs. They seemed to make appearances after dusk and not during the day. James surmises that they may have been hiding out in the caves at the quarry during the day, and came out at night to eat, presumably fish from the creek or chickens and other animals that many people had in those days. 
  • 1984:  Bat-Like Creature Sighted at Monkey Mountain near Blue Springs, MO (East of KC). A man and woman were hiking in the area at dusk and were shocked to see a 7' tall black humanoid creature standing next to a tree. It fluttered its wings but did not extend them. (See a previous article for details)
  • 1985: Pterosaur. St. Louis MO -  as reported by Jonathan David Witcomb in his book and blog "Live Pterosaurs in America," a witness and her father were at a family barbeque when they heard a horrific screech and looked up to see a real live Pterosaur that was the size of a small aircraft. The wings were line bat wings, and it had a long beak with razor-line white teeth. They got a good look at the creature because it was only about 50 feet above them.  See the full article here:
  • Early 1990's: Thunderbird, Maryville, Missouri.  From  A family saw a huge, monstrous dark gray bird apparently stuck in the mud on a river bank with its wings flailing violently.  The witnesses said that the bird had a least a 20-foot wingspan. 
  • 1996: St. Louis, MO. Pterodactyl. A man and his brother and cousin were fishing in a river west of St. Louis, Missouri when they looked up to see a huge dark brown pterodactyl-like creature fly 300' overhead. They all dropped their fishing poles. The witness said that the creature was gigantic, and it never flapped its wings but seemed to be gliding on air currents. They could not identify it as anything other than a pterodactyl.
  • 2000: Kansas City, MO Humanoid with wings near Swope Park. A couple saw a gigantic black humanoid bird with a human face and a beak near Swope Park in Kansas City. They were so stunned that they ran inside the house, dropping their groceries on the way. 
  • 2000: Independence, MO. Frank K. from NE Independence, Missouri suddenly had an inexplicable feeling to look up, and when he did he saw a gigantic pterodactyl-like dark brown creature flying high overhead. It floated on the currents and never flapped its wings during the duration of the sighting which lasted for two to three minutes. 
  • 2004: St. Louis, Missouri:  As reported by Jonathan David Witcomb in his book and blog "Live Pterosaurs in America," "A man and his grandmother saw a large apparently smooth-skinned creature, on July 15, 2004, flying about a hundred feet above an Arby’s restaurant in St. Louis . . .  it did have the diamond-shaped tail end and its wings were at least 20 feet wide."
  • August 2005: Kansas City, MO. As reported by Ken Gerhard in his book "Encounters With Flying Humanoids," Investigator Lon Strickler reported that two sisters in the Swope Park area of Kansas City heard a loud noise and looked up to see a gigantic bird with a 12' -18' wingspan hopping from tree branch to tree branch. It had leathery skin and batlike wings, a curved beak, with dark eyes. The two women ran inside the house and one of them fainted. 
  • 2011: KC MO near Swope Park (continued from the above report from the year 2000) The same creature returned in the evening and made a sound like a dog being choked, then cavorted among the street lights. 
  • 2011: KC MO near Swope Park. (continued from the above report) A cousin saw the same creature when he left their house one evening. It hopped behind the taillights of his car. It had gigantic wings and a fat body. 
  • May, 2011: Independence, MO. Huge Strange Bird: A woman and her two children saw a gigantic dark brown bird with a long tail and a puff at the end of it fly over their house in Independence, MO during the afternoon. It was the size of a small plane and made no sound. (Note: this is the only report I've received of its kind)
  • September, 2012: Independence, MO. Unknown Giant Bird. Three people were standing in a yard in Independence, Missouri during the day when they saw a very large black bird with a large beak fly at approximately 800 feet overhead. They got three photos photo and tried to identify it comparing it to known birds, but could find nothing that matched. the witnesses estimated the wing span to be at least 12' in width. See the photo below:

  • 2012: Lake Jacomo. Humanoid with wings: A woman and her husband were driving near Lake Jacomo in the evening when they saw a black or dark 7' tall +  humanoid creature standing 25' feet from their vehicle. It appeared to have wings and a human-type male body. 
  • 2014: Lee's Summit, MO. Mothman: Tony Degn captured a photo of a humanoid creature with bat-like wings in Lee's Summit, MO. (see description above)
  • June 28, 2015: Eminence, MO Bat-like creature: As reported to Missouri MUFON:  A woman witnessed a strange bat-like tall creature while driving on a road near Eminence, MO, near Blue Springs on June 28, 2015. According to the witness the creature had leather-like wings which were folded at its side and large cat-like eyes. She was unable to go back to get a better look at the creature.
  • Nov. 2016: West Alton, MO. Mothman: A woman and her son saw a strange giant bird/man-creature with legs on a river bank then watched it dive into the river as if it were catching fish. (See my article in this blog: Mothman Sighting in West Alton, MO in 2016) 
  • November 2017: Salem, MO: Three giant bird sightings: Investigator Emmett Reary from Salem, Missouri said that he has had a number of giant bird sightings reported to him from the Dent County area.  Two witnesses saw birds with the wingspan of the house it flew over.  Several other witnesses east of Salem, MO saw a giant black bird that swept down on them while they were having a barbecue at dusk. 
  • May 2018: Independence, MO: Supernatural creature? A woman left work one evening in Independence, MO and heard footsteps coming after her from behind, so she quickly jumped into her car. Gigantic black wings encircled her Dodge Charger and covered all the windows from the back forward, including the windshield, then it dissipated and disappeared. She thought it must have been something supernatural. 
  • May 2018: Independence, MO. My own giant bird sighting: I was outside on my side deck when movement caught my eye - I saw a gigantic set of dark grey wings approximately 25-30 feet in width and stretched out in the trees approximately 150 feet away. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see a central figure standing on a big branch. Something made a noise in a tree near me and I looked in that direction to see three smaller (24" tall) gray birds in the tree, then looked back at the large creature but it was no longer there. I can't explain it. 
  • Summer, 2018: West of St. Louis: Creature with a human head. Michael R. was driving near his rural property 50 miles west of St. Louis when he saw a giant winged creature with a human head flying on the highway in front of him. It was being chased and attacked by drones. (Video is being analyzed). This was reported in January of 2020. 
  • November 2018: Blue Springs, MO. A woman saw a gigantic black, winged creature swoop down over her car in Blue Springs, Missouri. Its wingspan was as big as the length of the car. 
  • July 29, 2019: Independence, MO. Giant Bird. A man by the name of Alex was driving on 291 Highway in Independence, Missouri on Monday at 5:00 pm when he noticed a very large bird circling high overhead. He pulled over to get a better look at the dark-colored creature because the size was so amazing. Alex said that it was similar to the shape of an Eagle, but way too large to be a bird of that type and that it must have been something else. He was unable to get a photograph. 291 Highway is located on the east side of Independence, Missouri and crosses the Missouri River. 
  • 2019: Overland Park, KS (near KCMO) Giant Bird. A woman and her husband were driving in Overland Park, Kansas when they saw a huge black bird with a 15' - 18' wingspan fly down to the ground and into some brush. The couple could not identify the type of bird and were unable to stop due to traffic. 
  • 2019: KC MO. Giant Bird. A man and his son were driving near the downtown airport (near the Missouri River) during the day when they noticed a large black bird with huge wings flying overhead. They stopped the car in a parking lot and got out to watch the creature floating on the air currents. They both thought it looked like a pterodactyl with a huge wingspan. It had no feathers and very large beak. 
  • June 20, 2019: Thunderbird? Sugar Creek, MO. Valerie H. saw a huge black bird with bat-like wings flying above a small aircraft over her house in Sugar Creek, MO near the Missouri River. It never flapped its wings or made a sound. She said that the creature was the size of the small-engine plane (approx 36' wingspan). It was flying too high to see details. Note: this location is the site of multiple UFO sightings.  
  • June 20, 2019: Blue Springs, MO. Huge Bird. Terri T. heard birds screeching outside her house in Blue Springs, Missouri and thought a hawk was after them. She ran outside and was astonished to see a huge unidentifiable black bird with a 10'-12' wingspan flying away. She could not identify the bird even though she is an outdoorswoman. The other birds kept squawking for a couple of minutes. 
  • November, 2019:Independence, MO. Hawk drone? I saw a hawk-like creature with a normal wingspan fly down over my car, and swoop close over my windshield and hood. Oddly, it had a humming mechanical sound like a drone.Could this have been a UFO?  
  • December 2019: Independence, MO. Mothman. While driving south on 291 Highway in Independence, MO Tony Degn saw a humanoid with gigantic bat-like wings fly towards his vehicle, stare at him, then fly away. (see above description)
  • December 2019: Trucker sees a seven foot tall humanoid with wings at O'Hare Airport
  • December 31, 2019: Kansas City, Missouri. Giant Bird: As she was driving north on Wornall Road in Kansas City, Missouri at 7:50 pm Marlene A. saw a gigantic dark flying bird that looked similar to a pterodactyl. It had a huge beak, long legs with feet, and a wingspan that would have been as wide as the street. The creature flapped its wings several times, then Marlene lost sight of it as she drove.
  • December 31, 2019 4:30 pm. Overland Park, Kansas. Huge Bird. Pat D. Saw an all black winged bird flying overhead as she drove on College at 119th Street in Overland Park, Kansas. The bird was at treetop level and it was gliding. Pat said that it did not flap its wings and that it looked similar to a raven except much larger. She could not estimate the size, except to say that it was the largest bird she's ever seen. 
  • January 2020: East Jackson County. FOUR Sightings at an Undisclosed lake area in Jackson County. Pterodactyl: R.H. and her sisters have seen a giant bird four times since 2016. The first time it was sitting out on the ice and never moved. The next two times they saw it in flight and it looked like it was the size of a small plane but it flapped its wings like a Pterodactyl. The fourth time was in January of 2020 when the women were looking for eagles with binoculars and saw what they think is the same creature flying so high they couldn't see it with the naked eye. 
  • February 11, 2020: Sugar Creek, MO. UFO/Bird. Valerie H. saw a hawk-like bird morph into a UFO and take off at incredible speed. See my article dated 2/16/2020 for more information.  
  • February 1, 2020: A woman in Lee's Summit, Missouri reported seeing a very large black bird clinging to the top portion of a light pole near her house. It was a foggy night and she does not recall seeing details about the creature, only that it was unusually large and had wings that were not extended. 
  • March 16, 2020: Seneca, MO.Alien/bat/bird: A man was camping in a rural area when he had the feeling that something was watching him. He looked up and saw a huge transparent winged creature with humanoid legs and bat-like face and ears standing on the ground just ten feet away from him. The creature seemed to be shocked that the man was able to see it and approached menacingly, then bit the man on the face, drawing blood. It then ran off and disappeared into the woods. The witness believes that the creature may have been an alien rather than a bird/man. 
  • May 14, 2020: South Kansas City Giant Bat: R.L. was lying in bed and looking out his window at approximately 10:30 pm when he saw a huge black bat-like creature with bat-shaped wings and a 3' wingspan fly towards his window, then swoop away. The next night he saw a string of lights outside which broke into multiple colored lights. (Note: A check with MO Conservation indicates there are no bats that size in Missouri)
  • May 14, 2020: South Kansas City, MO: Lerone P. was visiting a friend at 81st. near 71 Hwy when he noticed a strange shadow on the ground. He looked up and saw a man-sized humanoid creature with huge wings and a 3' long tail flying silently overhead and heading away from him. Lerone did not notice any features as the face and front were not visible. The creature was gliding and did not flap its wings. It flew low (approximately 80 feet or less from the ground) and out of sight. The witness stated that this area is known for UFO sightings and strange events.
  • July 3, 2020: Waldo area of Kansas City, MO: A man and his friend spotted multiple bright white lights in the sky, then saw a gigantic bird the size of a Cessna airplane fly overhead from southwest to northeast.  See the article I posted on Jul 8, 2020 for more information. 
  • August 5, 2020: Oak Grove, MO: A man driving for Uber saw a gigantic humanoid creature with wings fly across Interstate 70 at 2:00 pm as he drove west on the highway. The shadow on the road was at least 20' across.
Note that the June 20, 2019 sightings of winged creatures occurred on the same day as a mass UFO sighting over Kansas City. Perhaps the two events are connected (See my earlier article about the UFO sighting). During the Mothman scare in Point Pleasant, New Jersey people also saw UFOs, and were visited by Men in Black, and some speculate that there is a relationship. One has to wonder if these humanoid flying creatures are in fact from Earth or elsewhere. 

In doing research I've found that there are many reports of humanoid flying creatures and gigantic birds in Kansas City and Chicago, and a few in St. Louis. What is it about these two cities that the creature is attracted to? Perhaps it is water, which both cities have plenty of, but there is something else to consider. Most of the sightings have occurred in the Chicago area over the years. It may be possible that there is a larger colony of these creatures in the Chicago area, and they followed the Illinois River to the Mississippi River and the St. Louis area, then followed the Missouri River to the Kansas City area. This is just speculation of course, but large creatures such as these would certainly need a water source. Food sources nearby and in the rivers would be abundant as well. 

If you've seen any type of cryptid please contact us at 

Margie Kay is a paranormal researcher living in Independence, Missouri. She is the author of Gateway to the Dead, The Kansas City UFO Flap, Haunted Independence, The Sonoma County Phenomenon, and other books. 

Mothman Sighting in West Alton, MO in 2016

Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters received an emailed report last Monday from a man who said that he and his son encountered a strange flying creature while hunting ducks near West Alton, Missouri in 2016.
Hello Mr. Strickler - in mid-November 2016, my son and I had been duck hunting from a blind in the Upper Mississippi Waterfowl Area, not far from West Alton, Missouri. It was about 5:15 pm and we were walking back to my truck. I had parked in a small lot off of Harbor Point Rd. and we had to walk about 500 yards.
As we walked along the road, my son noticed a huge black thing descending towards the water's edge. I had never seen anything that large flying anywhere. It definitely wasn't a Bald Eagle or a crane, and as it got closer to the ground we were both shocked that it looked like a human!
It wasn't flapping its wings, but was gliding on a slow downward angle. It was about 50 yards from us, but there was enough light that we could clearly see it.
The wings were outstretched and were very wide. The wing shape was similar to that of a bat, but huge! The color was dark, almost black. The body was tapered like a well-built man with long legs. The head was small compared to the body, so I definitely knew it was not human. We were both caught off-guard and were mesmerized by what we were seeing. It landed in the thick weeds by the water and was obscured from our sight.
 At that point, we both wanted to get out of there because we had no idea what this thing was. As we quickly walked along the road, we saw this thing crawling out of the weeds and into a small clearing. It was literally pushing itself forward on the ground with its legs and wings in the direction of the water. We could hear the sound it was making as it 'crawled' on the damp ground and mud. It didn't look like it was struggling, but it was an awkward way to move around. Though it had legs, I could not make out what we would think were feet. I assumed this was the way it actually moved on the ground. It slide into the water, then raised up a few times; like a swimmer doing a breast stroke. Then it disappeared into the murky water.
My son will not go to that location anymore, but I'd really like to know what we saw. I told a co-worker, who is also a duck hunter, about the incident. He seemed interested at the time, but I'm sure he doesn't believe me. I've never heard of anything similar to this thing, either around here or anywhere else. Do you have any idea of what this was? I saw your Google ad for humanoid sightings, so I looked you up. We can talk if you'd like. Thanks.
Strickler was able to speak to the witness by telephone the following day; Tuesday, May 29th.
"I asked the witness why he waited so long to contact anyone," Strickler said. "He said that it took him a while to actually believe what he and his son had seen was real."
The witness described the creature's wingspan as approximately 12-15', and the structure of the wings as very wide and bat-like.
"[The witness] also said that the head was small and kind of shaped like a football with a slight point on the top. He did not see detached arms, but by the way it moved along the ground, the arms were most likely part of the wings," said Strickler.
The creature reportedly made no sounds other than those caused by its crawling.
"I also asked if they had a cell phone with them and why they hadn't taken photos," Strickler added. "[The witness] said he didn't even realize that until they got back to the car."
The witness's son has so far refused to discuss the incident.

West Alton is on the Missouri/Illinois border, across the Mississippi River, and is just under 300 miles from Lake Michigan.  The area is bordered to the north, east, and south by the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and several natural areas.

This report bears a strong resemblance to many other sighting reports featuring an unidentified winged being in Illinois and its neighboring states--it describes a large, winged creature with long legs that trail behind it as it flies, and no discernible arms separate from its wings.  However, the creature's crawling and the way it slid into the water are unique to this sighting.

To file a sighting report contact Margie Kay at

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MothMan Sighting in Independence, MIssouri 12/12/19

Tony Degn was headed home after work at KCI Airport on December 12, 2019, at 3:00 a.m. when he noticed a gigantic bird in the distance. The creature headed in his direction and as it got closer Tony could see that it had a humanoid body with long legs and large bat-like wings that measured approximately 10 to
15 feet in width. He did not get a good look at the face or notice eyes. "I was focused on driving and on the wings and legs, which were quite amazing," said Tony.

Degn was driving south on Hwy 291 just past 24 Hwy as the creature swooped down to just 20' above his vehicle, then flew off. "I noted that the wings did not operate as normal bird wings and that they reminded me of bat wings or Pterodactyl wings," said Tony. He thought the entire experience was very strange, especially since he saw a similar creature in Lee's Summit in July of 2014. His first thought when he noticed the creature on Thursday morning was "Oh no, its back."

He was unable to capture a photo of this creature, but Tony did capture the 2014 creature on film:

Photo taken by Tony Degn in 2014
A helicopter and a large bird-like creature are in the photo

This makes sighting number 24 of a gigantic bird or Mothman-like creature in the greater Kansas City area in the past few years. Several witnesses have described gigantic birds with wingspans ranging from 10 to 36 feet. Some speculate that it is a Thunderbird or Pterodactyl. The largest known bird in the United States is the California Condar, which has a wingspan up to 9.8 feet. 

According to Wikipedia "The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a New World vulture, the largest North American land bird. This condor became extinct in the wild in 1987 (all remaining wild individuals were captured), but the species has since been reintroduced to northern Arizona and southern Utah (including the Grand Canyon area and Zion National Park), the coastal mountains of central and southern California, and northern Baja California. Although other fossil members are known, it is the only surviving member of the genus Gymnogyps. The species is listed by the IUCN as critically endangered.

The plumage is black with patches of white on the underside of the wings; the head is largely bald, with skin color ranging from gray on young birds to yellow and bright orange on breeding adults. Its 3.0 m (9.8 ft) wingspan is the widest of any North American bird." 
The Condor is not in the Midwest region, so it must be ruled out as a possibility.

See previous articles for more information about other sightings. Another recent report was received by a man in Lee's Summit, Missouri. His wife saw a gigantic black bird swoop down over her windshield in a grocery store parking lot in early December, 2019. She said the wingspan was approximately 15 feet.

Quest Investigation Group is investigating these cryptid sighting reports.  Open the sighting report page to report a sighting. Margie Kay, the lead investigator, can be reached at or 816-833-1602.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mysteries at the Board Camp Crystal Mine

By Margie Kay

My experience at the Board Camp Crystal Mine in Board Camp, Arkansas began long before I set foot on the property. I’d heard about this mysterious place where people said they’ve seen not only Unidentified Flying Objects, but Sasquatch, mysterious lights, and even floating rocks. As a paranormal investigator, the thought of seeing all of these things in one place was extremely intriguing, but as a seeker of knowledge, my sixth sense kicked in and said, “You need to get there,” very clearly.

The mine is located near Mena, Arkansas in the majestic Ouachita mountains. Arkansas crystals are known for their high quality, clarity, hardness, and unique electrical properties. They are used for commercial purposes in watches, cell phones, computers, and more, and are prized by many for their healing properties. The Native Americans believe that the crystals from this region have a sacred and spiritual meaning and that this place, in particular, is of great significance. Orville and Cheryl Murphy, the mine owners, told me that representatives from multiple different Native American Tribes visited the site unannounced and independently on different dates after their Shaman received a message to do so. After blessing the site, the tribal representatives left. There are areas marked on the land where the sacred sites are located. This is a measure of the importance of the location.

Orville and Cheryl planned to open this 50-acre site in 2012 as a campground, but when crystals were found on the property, they decided to turn it into a crystal mine instead. They use hand digging methods only. No blasting or heavy equipment is used in order to keep the integrity of the crystals in intact. Orville feels that blasting would shock the crystals and change their energy. I agree.
In early 2017, the Murphy’s started to noticed Fortean events on their property. They witnessed strange orbs and lights and attempted to document some of these with the use of a night-vision game camera. The camera caught more than they bargained for, however, leaving them with more questions than answers. The first thing they noticed in the photos was unexplained lights. Even more astonishing was the apparent movement and levitation of rocks, which were caught in stills and video. A hoax has been ruled out by several investigators.

I’d heard about the crystal mine from other investigators who had been researching the site for the past two years. Gary Hart is a long-time friend and fellow paranormal investigator. He told me he’d been to the mine several times and had equipment set up in order to detect any anomalous activity, and that he had experienced many unexplained events each time he visited. The YouTube video posted by the mine owners fascinated me. Heck, even Josh Gates from the show Expedition Unknown had visited the site! I finally decided to investigate the site for myself, but would Remote View it first, just to see some of what was going on.

Remote Viewing is a method used to see remote locations using the psychic center of the brain. It involves accessing the Pineal gland or “third eye” and allows a viewer to observe surroundings at any place in the past, present, or future. I have been psychic since birth, and began RV work in the 1990’s. Since that time, I have used this method to assist law enforcement and private investigators to solve over 50 homicide, theft, and missing person cases.  I’ve also used RV to work on my own investigations and to assist other UFO and paranormal investigators. In several cases, I have viewed and interacted with non-human entities at the time period of the event in question.

I made plans to go to the site after the Ozark UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas in April of 2019, where I had a booth to sell my books. Two weeks before leaving for Arkansas, I did a Remote Viewing session which lasted approximately 20-30 minutes. I went into a deeper trance state than normal without attempting to do so. I had just read the Murphy’s book, Beams, and wondered exactly what happened regarding three mystery rocks that moved and aligned overnight.  I was fully expecting to see a Sasquatch move the rocks after hearing about the interactions that have occurred at and near the mine with what the witnesses believe are Sasquatch. Other people said that they have put small gifts such as balls, tiny army men, stones, and other items out on tables only to find these items moved later, seemingly in answer to the investigator’s questions. One gift was actually moved inside a small apartment on the site that was locked up.

But what I witnessed while Remote Viewing was totally unexpected. I focused on the three rocks, then found myself standing on the ground near the three rocks, but couldn’t miss the saucer-shaped craft hovering 30 feet above the ground in front of me. A five to six-foot wide straight beam of white light appeared from the bottom center of the craft and touched the ground.

I then found myself inside this craft standing behind a group of six light gray colored non-human entities that stood in a circle around a counter. They were four to five feet tall, thin, and had large elongated heads with thin faces. Their eyes were not much larger than human eyes. In the center was the beam of light, which actually started from somewhere above their heads on the ceiling and went through the craft to the ground below The group seemed to communicate with me telepathically without turning to look at me. The entities told me that they have been coming to this location for thousands of years, long before humans or Sasquatch inhabited the area. The entities said that they were here first, followed by the Sasquatch people, then humans. The extraterrestrials extract crystals from the ground by sending the beam of light into the earth, loosening the crystals, and levitating them via the light without disturbing the ground on top.

Cheryl and Orville Murphy
I watched as crystals and rocks moved upward through the ground and into the beam. As the crystals moved past the counter, each of the entities grabbed crystals by hand and put them on the counter. They returned unwanted items to the ground by putting them back into the beam of light. They were not interested in the rocks. Rocks that sat on top of the ground sometimes levitated as well, due not only to the beam of light in the center, but also from their anti-gravity propulsion system which kept the craft aloft. Apparently, rocks that have been caught moving on the ground by photo and video did so because the craft was close to the earth at the time in that particular location. Rocks that moved sideways did so because the craft was moving and it pulled the rocks along for a short distance.

The entities explained that they use the crystals for three purposes, and that the crystals found in this particular area have unique qualities that are especially suited for these purposes. One of these qualities is the amount of power contained in each crystal, and another is the purity of this power. I suddenly had a vision of the scene in the Superman movie with all of the crystals in his secret cave, but I quickly regained my composure and again focused on the purpose at hand.

First, some crystals are used as ignitors for their craft’s propulsion systems. I was not given exact details about how this works, but they need to change these crystals out periodically as they lose their effectiveness over time. The entities were very clear about the crystals being some time of catalyst for ignition and not the source of power for propulsion.

Second, larger crystals are taken to pyramids and other structures world-wide on every continent, and are used to activate power systems in these large structures. After activation, beams of energy shoot upward, many miles above the Earth, where ships can recharge their power systems quickly without visiting the planet where they would be observed by humans. The occupants of these craft prefer to remain unnoticed. I was given the impression that these beings are from many different planets and dimensions and that the pyramids were placed on Earth for this purpose many eons ago.

Third, a lot of the crystals mined by the ETs are placed in strategic locations in the ground in order to keep the Grid activated. As far as I know, thus far, the Grid is an electromagnetic field that begins underground and extends upward, connecting via 90-degree intersecting lines that align with lines of latitude and longitude. I have seen the Grid several times with the naked eye, and others have told me they’ve seen it as well. It looks like electric blue/white lines, not unlike lightning, but in perfectly straight lines. The beings told me that the Grid is not only used as a protective field to keep much of the Sun’s UV rays from penetrating our atmosphere, but also as a power system for extraterrestrial ships to use while navigating close to the planet.  
Note: This may explain why so many UFOs have been observed moving along in a straight line, then suddenly change direction at a 90-degree angle.

Finally, I found out the answer to my original question about how the three rocks were moved and perfectly aligned. I was shocked to see the being across from me grab these three rocks and discard them by returning them to the ground via the light beam, being sure to place them in a manner that would confuse the humans who would find them later. I actually saw this extraterrestrial laugh about it, and the other beings found this amusing as well. They said, or rather thought, “The humans will think Sasquatch did it!”  I was perplexed, as this was the first time I’d ever seen extraterrestrials laugh.

Two weeks later, I arrived at the Board Camp Crystal Mine and visited with Orville and Cheryl for several hours. Orville took me on a tour of the site. I was astonished to see the structures that have been found. Their configurations are exactly like what professional Sasquatch researchers have identified as signs created by the Sasquatch. Many of the creations made with trees are obviously not natural growth patterns – the trees have been manipulated to create different shapes. In the case of two intertwining trees that have been purposely bent toward each other and twisted together, this was quite obviously not a normal growth, yet the trees are still alive and thriving as are all of the other manipulated trees. There are several large trees with unnatural twists, and one that has been bent over at a sharp angle, leaving three vertical limbs pointing straight up. It seems that this structure has been in place for some time. This is a typical Sasquatch creation known to researchers who believe that this is a sign created by these intelligent creatures as a message to others of their kind.

One astounding feature is a stone arch that appeared overnight at the site recently. Having some knowledge of masonry work due to my daytime occupation as the owner of a masonry contracting company, I noticed that each rock was chosen for each section of the arch in order to make it form a perfect half-circle in the center. The angle of each rock had to be just right in order for this to work. The arch is dry-laid without mortar, and a single pointed rock is placed directly under the center of the arch. An obvious sign if I ever saw one, but what it means is anybody’s guess. Perhaps it was simply a gift to the Murphy’s and their friends and visitors. I did notice that as the sun was low in the sky the shadow of the pointed rock would point like an arrow, but if this has any meaning I don’t know.

Unnatural tree growth
As Orville drove me around the property I was drawn to a small shack on a hill. Orville said that there have been sightings of Sasquatch around the shack. Perhaps that is why I felt so compelled to look at the structure. Orville said that there have been many Sasquatch sightings in the area, including a daytime sighting by he and several others at the same time. A 9-foot tall black-haired Sasquatch was crouched down at first, but when spotted, rose up to his full height at stared at the truck and passengers. The creature was just yards away from the witnesses. He then turned and walked off into the woods.

We then went to the Murphy’s home where I spoke with Cheryl, and met her 102-year old mother. Cheryl is very connected to the crystals on her property. I found two intersecting ley lines by dowsing their home. The intersection is in the center of their bedroom. Cheryl said that she keeps most of her crystals in that room, so we surmise that the ley has been created by the group of crystals. Both Cheryl and Orville were surprised that the dowsing rods led to that location.
That evening, Gary Hart joined us at the observation deck – which is actually a very large professional stage that Orville built for concerts. They’ve had several concerts here with top acts, but now use the stage for visitors to observe the nightly events over the big field and hills on the site. In the past, people have seen UFOs, beams of light and orbs, and have even had interaction with the Sasquatch. Some people have been gifted rocks by the Sasquatch, who throw them on the stage when asked. I was intrigued by this and hoped that I would experience as least some of what others have seen. I would not be disappointed.

We spent several hours on the stage. Orville put a glow stick inside of a half-deflated ball and placed
Trees twisted together
it on a table in the field with rocks around the ball so it wouldn’t fall off the table. In the dark it was easy to see the ball on the table about 75 feet from the stage. And with a nearly full moon and cloudless night, we had good visibility. Shortly after arriving, I noticed that there were some softly glowing bluish-white lights in the trees and above the trees. These lights appeared and disappeared. The fireflies, by contrast, blinked numerous times and had a yellow glow. At one point, my attention was drawn to the right, where I saw movement in the trees. There was something tall and dark standing there, but I couldn’t make out what it was. It must have moved away very quickly because I only saw it for a few seconds.

After an hour, I asked Orville if I could put my REM Pod out on the table near the ball. This is a piece of equipment used to detect static-electricity, magnetism, and electro-magnetic fields. It is very sensitive to changes in the area around it and this equipment has been quite useful in paranormal investigations. The REM Pod did nothing at first, but after a few minutes it lit up, indicating that some type of presence was near the table. I asked the question “Are there any Sasquatch People here?” The REM Pod went crazy with sounds and lights in answer to the question.  Orville then said “Go ahead and knock that ball off of the table,” several times. After about 15 minutes, we all heard a WHACK as something clearly smacked the ball with an open hand and we saw the ball fly up into the air and down onto the ground. I was in shock, as there was no one near the table and we could clearly see all around the area. There was no person and no Sasquatch, yet the ball was hit by something or someone! This could mean only one thing, that something has the ability to cloak themselves and remain invisible to humans. But that is not the amazing part, as many Sasquatch researchers, including me, believe that these creatures are extremely intelligent and have the ability to move between dimensions. No, the amazing part is that it actually interacted in our dimension while remaining invisible to us! Wow.

Stone formation
Whatever this was did it yet another two times before the night was over. At one point, Cheryl asked the Sasquatch to bring me a rock. With Orville, Gary, and Cheryl clearly in my sight in the front part of the stage we heard a noise behind us and turned to see what it was. We looked around with our flashlights and there on my backpack was a quartz rock sitting right where I would find it. Cheryl said the rock had been gifted to me as the Sasquatch sometimes do for visitors. I thought that was the end of the experience, but not long after, I asked a question out loud- “Are there any extraterrestrials here with us?” which set off the REM Pod with all of its lights and sound going crazy, then we heard the sound of a rock fall in the center of the stage behind us. We turned to look and there, again, was another quartz rock obviously left for me.

The next night several more people were on site. We were all on the stage together, but Orville, Gary, and a young boy went back and forth to the table setting up the ball. This time, my good friends Judy White Wolf and her sister Sherry, were there along with several others. Judy is very spiritually aware and got the same impressions I did – that this is a very special place with high energy and that many different types of beings want to experience it. That evening was full of events including different colors and sizes of orbs that appeared in the field and in the trees, and the ball once again was smacked off of table several times. None of us could find a mundane explanation. I then put the REM Pod in the center front of the stage as I felt the presence of a large craft right above us. We put our chairs in a half-circle around it and the equipment went crazy when I asked questions. 
Rock on backpack

Whatever entity was with us was able to make the REM react and give us a “yes” answer, but when the answer was “no”- nothing happened. Apparently, there were both Sasquatch and ETs visiting us that evening per the answers received. I also Remote-Viewed the woods around us after seeing some trees moving, and saw three large male Sasquatch watching us.

This site is currently being investigated by a physicist and several researchers. I plan to return soon to do further study myself as I find this location fascinating. 


Margie Kay is the Director of Quest Paranormal Investigation Group, a remote viewer, and author. She can be reached at 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Remote Viewing Workshop March 14

Remote Viewing Workshop

Saturday, March 14, 2020
9:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m.
This workshop is geared for UFO and paranormal investigators, and to assist them in viewing past events that may have occurred to witnesses, but it is appropriate for everyone!

No matter what your skill level, you can hone your skills as a remote-viewer and practice hands-on with one of the top remote-viewers in the U.S.  Margie Kay has helped solve over 54 crimes and has done thousands of readings using her unique abilities. She will share her knowledge with you over the course of the workshop. 

Increase your sixth sense, find out what physical issues are keeping your psychic center from working property, learn how to meditate and access the part of the mind that is used for RV effectively, learn to remote-view events or objects that are near or far including outside locations and internal body organs, animals, and more!  
We will practice Remote-Viewing in this intensive all-day workshop. Be prepared to learn a lot of information in a short period of time. By using the techniques in this class you will greatly improve your abilities! 

The cost is $149 pp for first-time attendees, or $95 pp for second-time attendees and includes lunch.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cryptid Sightings in the KC area

Quest Paranormal Investigation Group has received a number of cryptid reports from the greater Kansas City area and beyond in recent years. We are at a loss as to why there are so many strange unidentified creatures in this area, or as to why there is so much paranormal activity in general. 

In reviewing our files, we have three reports of a short 2' tall kangaroo type creature which was seen in Sugar Creek, Independence, and Blue Springs from 2015-2017 by different individuals. All three were driving at night and saw this unknown animal near or in a roadway. In one case, people had to drive around the creature who was standing in the middle of the road near a Missouri River park. All witnesses reported that the creature was a tan color, had short hair, ears that stood straight up, and it sat back on its haunches. The top part of the body was smaller than the bottom half, and its front legs were short. Unless a small kangaroo escaped from a nearby zoo, or unless this is a baby chupacabra, we have no other explanation. 

Four witnesses describe seeing a very large wolf-size or larger creature with short grey mottled hair and short front legs, large body muscular back end, and a long snout. These sightings were near Lake Jacomo and Blue Springs Lake, off of 40-Hwy in Blue Springs, and near Nevada, Missouri from 2009 to 2019. In all cases, the creature made no sound and moved very fast across or beside the roadway. All sightings were at night after dark. Suggestions have been made that this is a Chupacabra, however, most Chupacabra reports are of a hairless creature that is much smaller. A call to the Missouri Department of Conservation yielded no explanation for the description of this animal. 

One cryptid sighting stands out among the others - and this happened on 23rd Street in Independence in 2015. A woman and her husband left the Hy-Vee grocery store at approximately 8:30 pm and traveled west. Suddenly, a very large wolf-like white animal appeared to their right and ran along the street on the far right side of the road. The creature's back was a tall as the top of the car door. The legs were shorter in front than in back. The husband slowed the vehicle down and came to a complete stop, and as he did so the animal turned in front of the car and then faded out and disappeared right in front of them, leaving the couple to believe that it was some type of inter-dimensional creature. 

There have been a number of Sasquatch sightings in Sugar Creek, Monkey Mountain, Independence, Lee's Summit, Burr Oak Woods, and Grandview in the past six years, but Sasquatch sightings in these areas date back at least to the 1970's. 

In the Sugar Creek case, which is ongoing, witnesses report hearing Sasquatch calls/screams from wooded areas around their houses. The primary witness lived on a farm as a child and does not recognize the calls as any known animal. At a location nearby at the Sugar Creek Conservation area, three men were fishing in a stream in 2014 when a large black Sasquatch walked out of the woods, stared into the stream while looking back and forth, then turned and walked back into the woods. The three men didn't say a word, but dropped their gear and ran to their vehicle. They haven't been back since. 

In Lee's Summit, a witness' dog acted very afraid of something, then she heard a loud grunt/growl that she did not recognize as coming from any known animal. The sound came from the woods behind her house. She no longer walks her dog at night by herself. 

Gigantic bird or Mothman sightings top the list, however, with 22 reports received by Quest in the past few years. Most reports were few and far between, but so far in 2019 we took at least 17 reports from witnesses who saw bird-like creatures with wing-spans of 10' to 36'. One man was able to capture a photo of one of these Mothman type beings in flight in 2014. It had the body of a man and gigantic black wings. We've seen the photo, but don't have permission to release it to the public yet. To me, it looks authentic. (See my other articles on this subject for more details). 

Most of these giant bird reports come from the east Jackson county area near bodies of water, but one was in Overland Park, Kansas on a busy street. Some of the witnesses who filed reports are known to me, so I know they are credible, however, as an investigator, I need proof, and to date, we have little evidence that these cryptid creatures exist. 

If you've seen any type of cryptid please contact us at

Margie Kay is a paranormal researcher living in Independence, Missouri. She is the author of Gateway to the Dead, The Kansas City UFO Flap, Haunted Independence, and other books.